
  • 椅子, Master in 教育 Program; Director, Urban Teaching Preparation Program; Director, Accelerated Certification in Teaching; Assistant Professor of 教育
    LH 334

    Siovahn Williams is an eighteen-year veteran urban educator who began her career as an outreach specialist for high school students in Chicago Public Schools. Starting at Trinity Higher 教育 Organization through the Federal TRIO Program, Siovahn managed college preparation programs designed to identify and provide services for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. During this time, Siovahn also began teaching for the Chicago Public Schools at Perspectives Academy.

    12年前,西瓦恩搬到了威斯康星州的基诺沙. She taught as a reading interventionist for the 出赛 Unified School District. 西瓦恩是文化与多样性俱乐部的联合创始人.

    她现在在全球十大赌钱排行app的角色, Siovahn is the program manager for the Urban 教育 Preparation Program and is an adjunct faculty member in the 教育 Department. She also worked at the University of 威斯康星州consin-Parkside as an adjunct faculty member, where she designed a summer course on business entrepreneurship and management for students in 6th through 12th grades.

    Siovahn earned her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction with a reading certification. 她完成了关于城市教育的论文.

    Siovahn is an award-winning instructor who received the Outstanding Teacher Award from Phi Betta Kappa in 2014.

    • 教育博士,组织领导-中央大学
    • Master of Art in Teaching and Learning, Literacy — Concordia University-威斯康星州consin
    • 教师资格证书, 777读式许可证, 316型-维特博大学在线教学证书
    • B.S.商务及通讯 
    • 教育与社会
    • 定性研究
    • EDU 5520:开发和内容领域阅读
    • EDU 5140:课程开发

    1月14日, 2021, 全球十大赌钱排行app学院收到150美元,为基诺沙城市教师培训计划拨款, 威斯康星州. 威廉 & 希拉·科纳尔基金会授予全球十大赌钱排行app学院150美元的赠款,000 to continue the growth of the Urban Teacher Preparation Program (UTPP). 以学院现有的城市教育辅修课程为基础, this program is designed to expand the pool of educators who are equipped and committed to teach in urban elementary schools. The goal of the UTPP is to address the ongoing national crisis of high teacher turnover in schools that serve students in challenging urban communities.

    据伯恩斯所说,达林-哈蒙德 & 斯科特(2019), teachers indicated their reasons for leaving urban schools included the following: Inadequate pay and benefits; stress, 压力, and burnout; a lack of respect/feeling valued; and student behavior. (燃烧、维.L .达林-哈蒙德., & 斯科特,C. 2019).

    Carthage’s Urban Teacher Preparation Program sets itself apart from other 教育 programs by immersing students in the unique and complex work of an experienced urban educator. Teacher candidates work with expert urban teacher-coaches starting their freshman year through the senior year of graduation, 提供个人成长和专业发展的机会.

    威廉 and Sheila Konar Foundation grant provides funding to support UTPP student recruitment, 研究数据收集, 程序化的活动, 为城市专业教育工作者提供专业发展津贴, 社区参与.

    The UTPP goal aligns with the William and Sheila Konar foundation’s mission to improve lives by promoting educational opportunities, 获得保健的机会, 以及一个更加宽容的公民社会. 有大量的低收入家庭, 城区通常会争夺资源, 学生经常落后于他们的同龄人. The UTPP prepares students to address these challenges through intense student teaching and courses that specifically address the learning challenges that impact K-12 students.

    学院专家指出, 有了更好的准备, teachers can not only overcome the challenges of urban education but avoid burnout. 的关键, 他们说, is learning to view students’ cultural and socioeconomic differences as strengths rather than deficits. 这符合迫切的外部需求.

    In 2015, when 教育 Department 椅子 Jacqueline Easley surveyed area principals about new program options, 超过三分之二的人认为城市教育是最大的需求.

    “我的整个职业生涯都是城市教育工作者, I have often wondered why colleges weren’t doing a better job of preparing students to teach in urban education,理查德·怀托尼克说, principal of Knapp Elementary School of Racine Unified School District located in 威斯康星州consin. “The Carthage Urban Teacher Preparation Program is what I have been waiting for to stop the constant turnover that we deal with in urban education. Students in this program are truly immersed in the experience and I know that when they graduate, they will be ready with the necessary skills to be successful in what can be a very difficult environment. Any graduate of this program who applies for an open job at the school I am leading will automatically be granted an interview. 这就是我对这个项目的坚定信念.”

    科纳尔的捐赠将进一步扩展到威斯康星州东南部以外的地区, 在全国范围内发展该项目, starting with a new partnership with University of Rochester’s East High School Teaching and Learning Institute. 由威廉和希拉·科纳尔基金会资助, Carthage’s Urban Teacher Preparation Program will continue to expand programming and research over the course of the next three years.

    UTPP expansion will include a variety of activities focused on increasing the number of teacher candidates and expert urban educators; expanding and strengthening external partnerships nationally; Science, 技术, 工程, 艺术 and Math (STEAM) certification for Teacher Candidates; and launching the Institute of Urban 教育-Urban by Choice: Pipeline to College, a summer college preparation program for middle and high school students who want to pursue teaching careers. 教育系高年级学生教学年度奖学基金.

    除了扩建补助金, 全球十大赌钱排行app将得到5美元,在科纳尔基金会(Konar Foundation)的指导下,获得了2000万美元的资助. Michele Hancock who serves as a volunteer on the foundation’s education advisory board.

    今年, the contribution will fund an emergency aid scholarship for seniors in the education program who experience hardship during their student teaching semester.


    伯恩斯,维.L .达林-哈蒙德., & 斯科特,C. (2019). Closing the opportunity gap: How positive outlier districts in California are pursuing equitable access to deeper learning. 斯坦福大学学习政策研究所报告.